Selected papers will be suggested to below listed journals for publication. It is to mention that the final review will be done according to the journal policy and the final decision will be made by that journal.
Special Issue Title:
"Persons and Freight Transportation in the age of Sustainable and Collaborative Logistics"
For more information about the Special Issue, click "HERE"
ORP (Operations Research Perspective)
Indexing: SCIE, Scopus, JCR; IF: 2.5
Special Issue Title:
"Resilient, Sustainable and Smart Supply Chain Management in the Healthcare Industry: Application of Data Analytics and Optimization Techniques"
For more information about this Special Issue, click "HERE"
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Indexing: SCIE, Scopus, JCR; IF: 7.802
Special Issue Titles:
"Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence Application in Healthcare Supply Chain"
''Advances of Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in Municipal Waste Management Systems''
For more information about the two Special Issues, click "HERE"
Special Issue Title:
"Analytics of Human-Centric Decision Making under Uncertainty and Indeterminacy"
For more information about this Special Issue, click "HERE"
IJSOM (International Journal of Supply and Operations Management)
Indexing: Scopus
IJMS (Iranian Journal of management Studies)
Indexing: WoS - Scopus
RME (Reports in Mechanical Engineering)
IJAOS (International Journal of Applied Optimization Studies)
Indexing: Google Scholar; ROAD; Cite Factor
DMA (Decision Making Advances)
Indexing: Google Scholar; ROAD; Crossref
JDAIC (Journal of Decision Analytics and Intelligent Computing)
Indexing: Google Scholar; ROAD